On Tue, 16 Mar 2004 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Hmm, if someone (except masochists and security vendiors)  still hosts
> > efnet... I can only send them my condoleences.
> >
> > I saw sthe same dialogs 6 years ago. Nothing changes.
> What about undernet?

Thats even worse :)

> A customer wants us to help him setup an undernet IRC server.  My gut
> feeling is, hosting IRC servers (especially on the well known networks)
> is like wearing a "kick me/flood me" sign on your network, and it's
> probably not going to be worth the pain & pages.

Sounds about right.
Unless you feel like charging someone several thousands of dollars per
month to host an EFNet server, don't do it unless you have a personal

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