> I wanted to make a number of video streams available across an IP WAN
> network, I have a couple of options.  Unicast or Multicast.  Unicast isn't
> the most efficient method necessarily so my preference would be Multicast.

Depends on the exact nature of what you are doing and the network(s) in

Some things to think about:

-Are you going to serve a mutlicast-aware audience directly?
-Are you thinking of feeding another server(farm) to retransmit?

Drawing from my own experiences, multicast is great for server-server
distribution.  It is (can be) fantastic for large audiences IFF you
have a stable multicast-happy environment.  IMHO multicast enivironments
just require a bit more care-and-feeding.   Multicast networks
frequently need a strong human proponent too.   Multicast is great
but is counter-intuitive for most support staffs to handle.

I have to be careful here because I could really get on a soapbox.

Unicast is the lowest common denominator and is far easier to deal
with in terms of transport peculularities.   It is the only answer
the makes sense for an on-demand enviroment.  (I've known of
groups to make scheduled multicast retransmissions, but you'd have
to be pretty serious for this in terms of the human dynamic)


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