On Thu, 22 Jul 2004, Daniel Karrenberg wrote:

> What I am concerned about is the pressure to lower TTLs across the board
> if the increase in zone update speed creates expectations that it alone
> cannot fulfill. 
> I observe this being sold as "instantaneous updates" instead of
> "instantaneous additions".  When this becomes clear the pressure will be
> to deliver what the salespeople promised.  This will result inthe obvious
> "soloution": Lower TTLs everywhere. 

What you're suggesting is that once Verisign marketing force moves in, this
will cause pressure ("imitating Verisign", who really does it?) on marketing 
department of ISPs and DNS hosting providers to offer same level service?

I agree with you there, but I think most you will see are marketing by 
companies offering outsourced dns servers, such as what is done by Enom
and or Zonedit. In these cases however, most such dns service providers 
already do offer to their customers lower then normal TTL.

And greater majority of domains are not hosted on such provider but with
ISP that is taking care of the customer's entire DNS configuration and 
does not need to change ip that often. I don't think this puts pressure on 
such providers to change TTL.

So while some increase in genereal TTL may happen, I dont think it will 
be overwhelming so as to cause serious alarm.

William Leibzon
Elan Networks

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