on Tue, Sep 21, 2004 at 10:16:52AM -0600, james edwards wrote:
> This is the rudest, most arrogant abuse complaint I have seen. It is a
> frigging dial up user.

I'm confused. Your user on - a dialup user, probably
running an infected Windows box, sent spam to the complainant, who
figured out who to complain to, explained in great detail (and in
English) that well, it shouldn't have happened if you'd had any clue
whatsoever, and had blocked outbound port 25 connections from your own
users (or at the very least those users of yours who are listed in
DNSBLs for spamming or relaying!) and you think he's being /arrogant/?

Christ, I'd say he's being helpful.

Get over yourself and /fix your own network/. Deal with the frigging
complaint, and STFU.

I already waste /way/ too much time dealing with equally stupid and/or
lazy network/mail admins who won't frigging fix their own networks, and
doesn't blame the complainant one frigging bit. Currently, I'm dealing
with the backscatter bounces from three concurrent joe jobs, sent by
such laughably broken spamware that I'm /amazed/ any of it was accepted
in the first place, much less accepted and /then backscattered to me,
the victim/ because of still more misconfigured/idiotic antivirus

Sheesh. Get over /yourself/. Your network is rude by its very existence,
if it lets spammers relay crud by way of it. Your own arrogance in
thinking it's not your problem to fix is astounding.

Please don't bother to reply; it will take time away from fixing your


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