On Tue, 21 Sep 2004, james edwards wrote:

> I did no say it is not my problem, we have a 10 year history of being
> very pro-active for all abuse issues and have a dedicated staff person
> to deal with these issues. Slaming my mail admin because a dial up user
> has a virus is rude, period. Our dial up address space is listed, if
> people choose to block mail from that space.

Listed where?  I don't see it jumping out anywhere on your web site or in
any common/free DNSBL and the way your rDNS is setup isn't doing anyone
any favors.       name = albq-du201.cybermesa.com.       name = sf-du201.cybermesa.com.

The more primitive MTAs need you do be doing something like
albq-201.du.cybermesa.com.  Then they can be setup to reject
du.cybermesa.com, which will reject .*\.du\.cybermesa\.com.

And if you think their message was rude, just try to imagine the crap
people send _to_ DNSBLs.  It makes the message from the Swedes seem like
they were kissing your @$$.

 Jon Lewis                   |  I route
 Senior Network Engineer     |  therefore you are
 Atlantic Net                |
_________ http://www.lewis.org/~jlewis/pgp for PGP public key_________

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