Thus spake "Paul Vixie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Iljitsch van Beijnum) writes:
Wow, IPv6 misinformation is reaching unprecendented heights here on

yes. for example, you wrote...

There is currently no PI in IPv6 unless you're an internet exchange or
a root server.

...but i really do think of 2001:4f8::/32 as PI, even though ISC is neither
an IX nor a rootserver. (f-root has its own /48, which is something else.)

So you're claiming that any IPv6 PI applicant without your political connections to the IESG, ARIN, IANA, etc. can get a /32? I don't know exactly how many subnets/hosts ISC has, but I seriously doubt ISC could even get a PI /48 if you weren't buddies with the folks making allocation decisions.

Most companies do not have the advantages you apparently take for granted; the IETF thus far has been adamant that only ISPs will get PI space, no matter how big an end-user site may be, exceptions for the IETF/IANA leadership's employers notwithstanding.


Stephen Sprunk "God does not play dice." --Albert Einstein
CCIE #3723 "God is an inveterate gambler, and He throws the
K5SSS dice at every possible opportunity." --Stephen Hawking

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