On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 09:18:22 EST, Christian Kuhtz said:

> So, again, somebody says they're selling it.. And without wanting to sound
> like a flame.. what volume of native, non-tunnel IPv6 traffic do you see and
> what applications is it?  Could you throw those of us a bone who are still
> scratching our heads as to what business cases support this? ;)

The point is that Randy was wrong when he said there weren't any v6 ISPs
in 2002, because at least some were doing it a year before that.

For *THAT* matter, I've heard a lot of people over on the main IETF list
in the last week or so stating that SMTP is only 1-2% of many places' total
bandwidth usage.  So why don't we all just cut *THAT* off because there's
no business case to support *THAT* either? :)

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