On Mon, Nov 29, 2004 at 07:04:28AM -0800, Barry Raveendran Greene wrote:
> > Jared Mauch:
> > > jlewis:
> > > If someone will lend me appropriate /24's, I'll copy 
> > > 69box.atlantic.net into 70box, 71box, etc. and come up with a
> > > large  (fairly comprehensive) list of IPs behind broken bogon
> > > filters. 
> > 
> > http://puck.nether.net/~jared/papers/69-paper.html
> > 
> >     I can rewrite this slightly and post it on slashdot and 
> > other places again..
> I think it would be useful. The "Bogon Team" implemented several
> changes after 69/8 to make "change management" easier. This included
> maintain objects at Merit RADB, RIPE NCC RADB, and a way to track via
> DNS (see the details on http://www.cymru.com/Bogons/index.html).

        I'll write up a new version of this.  Can those of you that
are having problems in the 70/8 and 71/8 space write me a snippet
in private email saying how this is impacting them?  One paragraph
please, also include your full name and employer or whom you

        this way i can include the impact seen in it so people *may* 
wake up and realize the impact of lack of maintence of these filters.

        - jared

Jared Mauch  | pgp key available via finger from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
clue++;      | http://puck.nether.net/~jared/  My statements are only mine.

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