On Fri, Dec 03, 2004 at 08:31:10AM -0800, nanog gonan wrote:
> I ask that the methodology of bannishment be posted to
> the list, so we're all aware of the consequences of
> too much OT.  Is it permanent banishment or a
> procedure similar to the one that William suggests? 
> How many warnings get one banished?  Is it a certain
> number of warnings over a time period or for all time?
>  Are the rules set in stone or do they change with
> time to adapt to the situation at hand?

Who knows? A while back I posted a single brief note regarding
my perception of privacy and security issues with Gmail, after
a flurry of 'I have Gmail invites, if anyone wants one' posts. 
Others responed to my single post, but I did not add any further
posts to this (or any other topic).

I got a stern message that was called my 'third' warning, and
that any further off-topic posts would get my posting privileges

I was puzzled by this, since I basically lurk on the list, and
have made very few postings.  I replied to Susan privately that,
among other things, I had no record nor recollection of any
previous warnings, and asked politely for information regarding
these, since I seemed to have used up my warning limit. To this
day I have received no replies to that query message whatsoever.

>From this incident I can only conclude that all posts
are equal, but some are more equal than others.

> I ask this because I, like many others, value this
> list's information greatly and don't want to see those
> that I've learned so much from over the years have to
> go elsewhere.
> Thank You.
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