On Sat, 1 Jan 2005, Joe Abley wrote:
> On 31 Dec 2004, at 11:01, Edward B. Dreger wrote:
> > Am I missing something?
> For your provider, supporting pur-laine, standard-configuration
> customers is cheaper than supporting customers where each has their own
> special-case setup. Supporting a network of routers where the protocols
> and configuration is consistent is also easier (and hence cheaper) than
> a network where each router has special, exciting new config bits found
> nowhere else.
> Your choices may be:
> 1. Pay a premium to deal with an ISP who can really afford to support
> special-case customers;

i think, based on Eddy's previous message (the original for this) it seems
like he almost wants 'shadow link' capability. Given that as a start,
dropping HSRP and just managing 2 BGP peers from both ends one with metric
0 and one with metric 10 toward his ISP should satisfy all parties
requirements. It should be a 'standard' config for the ISP and should be
very simple for his customer to manage as well.

> 3. Accept the standard setup, pay a cheaper price and get reasonable
> support.

it might be as simple as showing the ISP that the configuration requested
is no more than a 'standard' config called 'shadow link' :) Hopefully it's
something as simple as a miscommunication between provider and customer.


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