On Mon, Feb 21, 2005 at 11:05:03AM +0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Reading nanog-reform? Is there some kind of list? Let me have
> a look at http://www.nanog-reform.org. Nope, nothing here but
> old news.

        The nanog-reform list was announced both on nanog@ and
during the Sunday night meeting in Vegas.  It is a public list.

> > http://www.nanog-reform.org/cgi-bin/twiki/view/NANOGReform/DraftBylaws
> Aha! So there really is more stuff hidden away on that
> site for the chosen few. Perception is reality, eh?

        I wouldn't really classify a set of draft bylaws that are being
constantly discussed on a mailing list that has been publicly announced,
that live on a web site that anyone can read or post changes to, as 
"hidden away."  Particularly when any complete set of bylaws would be 
voted on anyway.

        People, please, gain some perspective here.  Nobody wants the 
thankless job of maintaining a mailing list that badly.


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