On Tue, 29 Mar 2005 14:35:55 GMT, Fergie (Paul Ferguson)
> An interesting article & interview with Houlin Zhao,
> director of the ITU's Telecommunication Standardization
> Bureau (who would like very much for the UN to become
> more involved in "Internet Governance").

Actually, this got discussed extensively on [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
with lots of clued operators participating

For a context on the zhao proposals - and how they impact you - see

Sounds dangerously like ITU is trying to apply a telephone numbering
paradigm to IP allocation policies, and various people are latching
ont o it to start their very own "lets all dump the RIRs and reserve
IP space and its management, policy etc on a per country basis" -
rather unlike the current setup where LIRs like CNNIC, JPNIC etc work
under the APNIC framework to allocate IPs in a particular country

Where igov entities such as the ITU WGIG process and the OECD WILL
come in useful is that gray and ugly area where there's crossover with
actual  law and order issues - particularly enforcement of antispam
and other computer crime laws across countries, particularly useful
when a phisher or spammer has a domain up in one country, a payment
gateway in some other country, spams out of abused cablemodems in a
third country and then sets up a shell company with multiple levels of
obfuscation in a completely different country.

Oh, add to it that these two organizations are listened to by telecom
regulators, and guess who is the only entity that runs the internet in
several countries .. none other than the incumbent telco that also has
a substantial ISP business and govt sanctioned monopolies in some
cases ... ITU / OECD have a far better chance of reaching tham than
most network operators have.

--srs (opinions from having attended and spoken at ITU / OECD conferences)

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