Hi John,

* [EMAIL PROTECTED] (John Payne) [Fri 15 Apr 2005, 00:48 CEST]:
> Do you?  Relying 100% on anycast is MUCH worse than not deploying 
> anycast at all.  Spend some time thinking about various failure modes.  
> (*sigh* just read NANOG archives if you want the short cut)

In my opinion this statement is a bit overly broad.  Yes, you can make
anycast less reliable than two geographically and topologically separate
nameservers, but if you place two nameservers behind the same router you
end up with a less reliable system than even the simplest anycast setup.

> There is more than one solution to every problem.  Don't fixate on 
> anycast purely because your university hosts a couple of web pages on 
> it.

Nice - I'd have said "purely because your boss read about it in some
trade magazine," but the bottom line is the same: just because it's hip
doesn't mean it's the best for you.

        -- Niels.

                              The idle mind is the devil's playground

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