On Fri, 15 Apr 2005, Forrest W. Christian wrote:

> After a routing issue between us and an instance of the RFC1918 anycast
> servers blackhole-[12].iana.org which caused all sorts of bizzare failures
> within customer networks, I'm trying to figure out if there is a really
> good reason why I shouldn't keep a copy of the 1918 zones on my local
> recursive customer-facing DNS servers so breakage between us and these
> servers won't cause grief in the future.

hrm, www.as112.net might have info you would like to see/read/implement.

> So my questions are:
> 1) Is there a good reason why I shouldn't host a local copy of the RFC1918
> in-addr zones on my servers?

nope, I suspect: www.as112.net would like you to host one.

> 2) I've dug around and haven't been able to find an example of a RFC1918
> zone file ala what's on the official servers.  I'm assuming that these are
> basically just empty domain filas but I'd love to verify that this is the
> case.   Of course, the blackhole servers I tried don't respond to AXFR.

probably you would get a copy of this when you turned up a set of hosts
for www.as112.net :)

> 3) Alternatively, I could host a local anycast instance of these servers,
> but I can think of lots of good reasons why this might be bad.

sure, the folks at www.as112.net might even have answers, and perhaps you
could summarize back to the list? I am interested atleast...

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