On Thu, 11 Aug 2005, Florian Weimer wrote:

It seems that one of the largest Verisign competitors plans to hide
the registrar information completely and permanently.  (They operate
according the thick registry model, if I got the terminology right, so
this is quite possible.)  If you don't like this move, speak up.

I don't like this...

Unfortunately, only those who know which ccTLD I'm talking about have
a vote. 8-(

but ccTLD operate under different rules then gTLDs and I'm not sure
that my not liking this can cause any changes. ccTLD operator is
pretty much free to do as they like (as long as government agency
for that country does not get angtry at them).

the average length of a phishing e-mail spam last some 45 minues,

ITYM "median".  Average is definitely highier.

Closer to 8 hours I think, but I dont have enough data to be certain.

William Leibzon
Elan Networks

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