* [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Randy Bush) [Thu 10 Nov 2005, 03:35 CET]:
[ the voice of experience speaks ]
thanks! this approaches reassuring. why does it tolerate 100 macs? at first blush, i would think three or four would be a bad enough sign.

I've seen several cases where a router goes bonkers and spews a bunch of broken frames - more than four but usually less than a hundred. The frames get dropped but the port doesn't get shut down. I have a hunch that it's connected with bad memory in the router, a pointer going awry somewhere, using some payload to fill an Ethernet frame header. Usually it goes away by itself without further outaged conditions.

So this could be a reason to set the limit at 100 instead of 4... another could be that the default in Foundry MG8 firmware is 128.

Also, AMS-IX implemented port security almost three years ago (we've presented about it at AMS-IX Technical Meetings, RIPE meetings and Euro-IX Forums).

        -- Niels.

"Calling religion a drug is an insult to drugs everywhere. Religion is more like the placebo of the masses."
                        -- MeFi user boaz

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