... and alice has been working on deploying the .org DNSSEC testbed for 6 months now. Thus far my experence with deploying DNSSEC is: its just hard, not fun and for a lack of a better word... it SUCKS.

In the last 6months since we deployed it, not one sole has clicked on the [now broken] _SECURE DOMAIN_ link to enable .ORG dnssec capabilities.

I know we are a tiny registrar but none of our clients thought it important enough to even try clicking on the _SECURE DOMAIN_ link. So, even DLV is going to take a tremendous marketing effort to get folks to differentiate it from LOCK_DOMAIN which merely prevents the domain from being updated or transfered.

DLV is a huge task so be supportive because it will probably fail just like DNSSEC is ...but we might just learn something.


Paul Vixie wrote:
can you say "does not scale?"

this is why we're trying to sign up some registrars, starting with alice's,
who can send us blocks of keys based on their pre-existing trust

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