On 15-Jun-2006, at 09:41, Will Hargrave wrote:

Unless I am mistaken, h.gtld-servers.net is offline and has been for an hour or two. I can't see the containing prefix,

I think you're mistaken about the server being off-line, since I can see it just fine from many places. The RIPE NCC dnsmon tool can also see it from its various probes:

http://dnsmon.ripe.net/dns-servmon/server/?server=h.gtld- servers.net&show=SHOW

I don't know any details about how that servers is deployed, however, so it's non-trivial to draw more conclusions about what problems you're having. Perhaps a single anycast node has some issues, or perhaps has flapped a bit, and has been suppressed due to dampening in your neck of the woods.


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