On Tue, Jul 11, 2006 at 03:58:00PM +0200, Florian Weimer wrote:
 > > Eh?  Of course they are.  They're selling transit to their cable
 > > modem customers, surely?
 > Quote from a typical terms of service agreement:

I think you're missing the point, Florian.  Regardless of any 
retail restrictions, the fact still remains that your local 
Cable company is selling connectivity to other peoples' 
autonomous systems.

That's transit.

And that's what eBay and Google don't sell.

  - mark

Mark Newton                               Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] (W)
Network Engineer                          Email:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  (H)
Internode Systems Pty Ltd                 Desk:   +61-8-82282999
"Network Man" - Anagram of "Mark Newton"  Mobile: +61-416-202-223

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