On Fri, 15 Sep 2006, Tash wrote:

> Dear Sirs/Madams, Please remove my name "Tashfeen Imdad" from this site 
> below. It is slanderous towards me and it does not involve me. I am no 

Dr. Phil has a saying: When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.

You do realize you mailed this out to a mailing list with a few thousand 
people on it, right ? So that you've just reminded everyone who had 
forgotten about it.

In any case, this is an archive of a mailing list, where this discussion 
originally took place. None of us run it, and there are probably multiple 
archives of Nanog out there, so you'll never get rid of them all. 

In fact I'll bet there are people who read your message and are making 
copies of the page now, just in case the others do come down. 

> longer involved with telecommunications and I am not associated with Qwest 
> anymore and it is also slanderous towards Qwest. I would appreciate this 
> act of kindness. It is gone on too long this is from 2002. This defames my 
> character from 2002 and it does not properly represent me.

Dude, you did it. Be a man and own up to it.  Figure out a way in Interviews 
to show you learned from it, though this post will make it harder.


>   thanks
>   Tash
>   http://www.cctec.com/maillists/nanog/historical/0202/msg00446.html  Re: OT: 
> spam from Globix to ARIN POCs  
> ---------------------------------
>    To: Kai Schlichting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   
>    Subject: Re: OT: spam from Globix to ARIN POCs   
>    From: "Christopher X. Candreva" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   
>    Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2002 15:26:36 -0500 (EST)   
>    Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
>    Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
>    Delivered-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
>    In-Reply-To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   
>    Sender: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> ---------------------------------
> On Mon, 25 Feb 2002, Kai Schlichting wrote:    > And on another note, that 
> little spamming jerk from Qwest's NYC sales office,  > Tashfeen Imdad, should 
> start finding himself a new job while there is time.  > And don't count on 
> collecting unemployment.    What, did he spam your users through the whois 
> database, and copy you on it  since you are the tech contact ?  [EMAIL 
> PROTECTED] went right in the  filters.    
> ==========================================================  Chris Candreva  
> -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- (914) 967-7816  WestNet Internet Services of 
> Westchester  http://www.westnet.com/      
> ---------------------------------
>     References: 
>    OT: spam from Globix to ARIN POCs     
>       From: Kai Schlichting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> ---------------------------------
>    Prev: Re: DNS timeline   
>    Next: Re: DNS timeline   
>    Index(es):     
>       Main   
>       Thread 
> ---------------------------------
> Want to be your own boss? Learn how on  Yahoo! Small Business. 

Chris Candreva  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- (914) 967-7816
WestNet Internet Services of Westchester

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