On Thu, Nov 09, 2006 at 12:13:57PM -0500, Justin M. Streiner wrote:
> On Thu, 9 Nov 2006, Donald Stahl wrote:
> >Sorry I have to agree with Steve as well. I know I've left networks with 
> >Bogon lists in place and then gotten calls a year or more later asking why 
> >traffic can't isn't coming in from XYZ new client. Turns out the new admin 
> >never updated the bogon list.
> This process can be automated.  See my previous post.

automatic systems are fine if you decide you want to do them, i was 
specifically responding to the author who suggested he would build the filters 
himself, my point was that this seemingly good intention is in fact causing 
real operational problems on The Internet right now as anyone receiving 
addresses from newly allocated blocks will attest to


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