On Wed, Feb 28, 2007 at 02:35:43PM -0600, Carl Karsten wrote:
> me again.
> So wifi at pycon 07 was 'better than 06' witch I hear was a complete 
> disaster. More on 07's coming soon.
> Now we are talking about wifi at pycon 08, which will be at a different 
> hotel (Crown Plaza in Rosemont, IL) and the question came up: Can the hotel 
> actively prevent us from using our own wifi?
> _maney: although - wasn't the hotel stuck on "our wifi or no wifi" at last 
> report?
> CarlFK: only the FCC can restrict radio
> tpollari: it's their network and their power the FCC has no legal right to 
> that. and no, you show me where they do.  I'm not wasting my day with that 
> tripe -- the caselaw you're likely thinking of has to do with an airline 
> and an airport and the airline's lounge, in which case they're paying for 
> the power and paying for their bandwidth from a provider that's not the 
> airport. We're not.
> I know that there are all sorts of factors, and just cuz the FCC says boo 
> isn't the end of the story, but i don't even know what the FCC's position 
> on this is. google gave me many hits, and after looking at 10 or so I 
>  decided to look elsewhere.

        I suggest you google for massport fcc and continental.

        - jared

Jared Mauch  | pgp key available via finger from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
clue++;      | http://puck.nether.net/~jared/  My statements are only mine.

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