On Wed, Apr 11, 2007 at 03:44:01PM -0400, Warren Kumari wrote:
> The same thing happens with things like abuse -- it is easy to deal  
> with abuse on a small scale. It is somewhat harder on a medium scale  
> and harder still on a large scale -- the progression from small to  
> medium to large is close to linear. 

First, I don't buy this.  I think dealing with abuse is *much*
easier for large operations than small.

But suppose you're right.  Let me concede that point for the purpose
of making my second point (and generic "you" throughout, BTW):

Second, I don't really care how hard it is.   It's YOUR network, YOU
built it, YOU plugged it into our Internet: therefore, however hard
it is, it's YOUR problem.  Fix it.

Or if you choose not to: at least stop whining about how much you
don't like the way in which other people try to partially compensate
for YOUR failure.


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