It's a lot more trouble for hosting providers that provide customers with webhosting and E-mail services.

We've had a lot of customers whose ISP decided it was a good idea to close down outgoing port 25, resulting in our helpdesk system being flooded with pissed off customers who suddenly weren't able to send E-mail through our mailservers anymore.

At 11:14 23-7-2007, you wrote:

This took planning, lots of information and HOWTOs to users, and some helpdesk backing to get into place, but it's done, and it works. It was less painful that we dreaded.

Met vriendelijke groet,

Jeroen Wunnink,
EasyHosting B.V. Systeembeheerder

telefoon:+31 (035) 6285455              Postbus 48
fax: +31 (035) 6838242                  3755 ZG Eemnes

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