Anyone know of any changes that were made with TWTC (AS 4323)
last night that may have affected those running Foundry
routers?  We peer with a number of providers and last night
our TWTC connection went down with:

Jul 25 15:57:22:N:BGP Peer DOWN (Attribute Flags Error)
Jul 25 15:57:14:N:BGP Peer UP (ESTABLISHED)

If I debug updates on that session I get:
(Lines added for readability)

Jul 25 15:57:21 BGP: rcv UPDATE
Jul 25 15:57:21 BGP: rcv UPDATE w/attr: Origin=IGP
AS_PATH=AS_SEQ(2) 4323 8881 8881 8881 30915 NextHop=
COMMUNITY=4323:51 4323:501 4323:1003 4323:2001 4323:2503 4323:34510
4323:50000 65101:1003 65102:4 65103:1 65104:301 
Jul 25 15:57:21 BGP: rcv UPDATE
Jul 25 15:57:21 BGP: rcv UPDATE w/attr: Origin=IGP
AS_PATH=AS_SEQ(2) 4323 2828 19092 14188 14188 14188 14188 14188
NextHop= COMMUNITY=4323:51 4323:501 4323:1015 4323:2503
4323:36410 4323:50000 65101:1015 65102:4 65103:1 65104:301 
Jul 25 15:57:21 BGP: rcv UPDATE

Jul 25 15:57:21 BGP: rcv invalid COMMUNITY attribute flag d0

Jul 25 15:57:21 BGP: rcv UPDATE w/attr: Origin=IGP
AS_PATH=AS_SEQ(2) 4323 12956 3352 NextHop= ATOMIC_AGGREGATE
AGGREGATOR AS=3352 Speaker= 

The router is a Foundry NetIron 400 running their 7.8 code.
We have two of these talking to Level 3, TWTC, Cogent, Uunet
and AT&T and only the TWTC had an issue.  They sent me a
default route instead of full routes and the session came
up and was stable; go back to full routes and error.  They
admitted to me this afternoon that three other customers are
having the same issue.  That's when we started wondering if
they changed something that the Foundry code doesn't like.
Interesting though is that they claim to not be sending me
communities while the output above indicates they are.

Any ideas; be nice to get the link back up. :-)



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