We always used to put full customer details in RIPE for AS6765 and
AS5378. I never had any issues or queries from anybody, they were just
told that this is how it is done.

Leigh Porter

Steven Champeon wrote:
> on Wed, Aug 01, 2007 at 09:47:45AM -0400, Drew Weaver wrote:
>> Up until recently, we were only providing the RIR database with
>> information about our larger allocations /24 or larger. We have
>> noticed however that many anti-spam organizations such as Spamhaus,
>> and Fiveten will use the lack of information regarding an IP
>> allocation as a blank check to blacklist entire /24s when they are
>> really targeting a single /30 or a /29.
> It's not just Spamhaus. How do you expect *anyone* to know whether an
> abusive customer of yours has a /29 or a /18 unless you *tell us* in
> rwhois? We happily block large swaths of the network due to failure
> on the providers' parts to adequately describe the allocation. rDNS
> scans and guesswork are fine, but it's much better if we can count on
> the providers' actual assignments as published in rwhois and block the
> smaller allocations instead.
>> Is there some way that we can 'proxy' the information so that it
>> simply states that the /29 has been allocated to a customer but it
>> doesn't provide their contact information?
> Why on earth would you want to do that? In a world where 90%+ of our
> inbound mail traffic is abuse, I think accountability trumps privacy.
> Anyone using those stupid cloaked whois listings is automatic fodder for
> the filters here. Your right to access my resources ends when you deny
> me the ability to identify you if I so choose, on evidence of ill
> intent.

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