On Mon, 27 Aug 2007, Jon Lewis wrote:

Of course there are other reasons to upgrade (better CPU, MPLS, IPv6, etc.),

Now if this was a dust old MSFC2 that was like 5 years old I'd say ok. The problem is twofold:

1. Cisco is still selling the 7600 with the Sup32 bundle (which is what we bought) and saying you can take a full route table on it. I could already do MPLS and IPv6 on this box. This is pretty new hardware.

2. The only thing I could buy is the top of the line Sup720 3BXL. Ok, fine, but I don't need mega-super-d00per backplane speed. I just need more TCAM like Christoper Walken needs more cowbell. Cisco needs to have a reasonable solution to this problem - especially if they want to keep selling the 7600 as a router.

If I end up upgrading because of this it will probably be a forklift upgrade to another platform. And there's no guarantee that it would be a Cisco one.

                               John A. Kilpatrick
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