On Fri, 4 Jan 2008, Patrick Clochesy wrote:

I think the "page" is going to the list because the sender does not know the 
contact for the site, and the list provides a good way to find someone to handle the 
request... the intended recipient of the page being a north american network operator :)

We could come up with a list or an updateable site, but it's bound to be abused 
and thus ignored, the same reason people arn't sending to abuse@ and 
postmaster@ in the first place.

I think the reason such a site doesn't exist already is because it's a spam seed.

Nanog lists are archived, aren't they? Searching for a user from a specific domain might net more immediate results, in some cases, provided the search result doesn't have a timestamp of 2005 or older.

- billn

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