Well it had sounded like I was in the minority and should keep my mouth 
shut. But here goes. On several occasions the peer that would advertise 
our routes would drop and with that the peer with the full bgp tables 
would drop as well. This happened for months on end. They tried blaming 
our 6500, our fiber provider, our IOS version, no conclusive findings 
where ever found that it was our problem. After some testing at the 
local Cogent office by both Cogent and myself, Cogent decided that they 
could "make a product" that would allow us too one have only one peer 
and two to connect directly to the GSR and not through a small catalyst. 
Low and behold things worked well for some time after that.

  This all happened while we had 3 other providers on the same router 
with no issues at all. We moved gbics, ports etc around to make sure it 
was not some odd ASIC or throughput issue with the 6500.

   Hope this answers the question.


Paul Wall wrote:
> On Mon, Apr 21, 2008 at 4:02 PM, manolo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I do have to say that the PSI net side of cogent is very good. We use
>>  them in Europe without many issues. I stay far away from the legacy
>>  cogent network in US.
> You still haven't explained the failure modes you've experienced as a
> result of cogent's A/B peer configuration, only fronted.
> Inquiring minds would like to know!

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