Best guess would be traffic ratio related - that always seems to be related to 
de-peering.  One side doesn't like the amount of traffic coming in versus going 
out etc...


-----Original Message-----
From: Justin Shore [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 9:03 AM
To: Nick Hilliard
Subject: Re: Sprint / Cogent

Nick Hilliard wrote:
> And they'll do it to others in future peering spats.  It's just a 
> bullying tactic - entertaining if you're on the sideline; irritating if 
> you're Sprint.
> Cogent reminds me of Ethan Coen's poem, which starts:
>     The loudest has the final say,
>     The wanton win, the rash hold sway,
>     The realist's rules of order say
>     The drunken driver has the right of way.

So why do SPs keep depeering Cogent?  Serious question, why?  I'm not 
aware of any Intercage-like issues with them.  I've actually considered 
them as a potential upstream when we expand into a market they serve.




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