On Sat, 27 Dec 2008 11:53:18 +0000
 Martin List-Petersen <mar...@airwire.ie> wrote:

The problem is, and this was stated by the original poster, that the
lads off-shore he deals with have no clue and simply stick to the
script. No intention of looking what the real problem is. And that
problem lies not in the call center. It is the deal, that $TELCO struck
with $CALLCENTER and the procedures, that were put in place, that are
the problem.

Only solution: find a provider, who's support (off-shore or not) does
have a clue, has an escalation process and is willing to find a solution.

How does one find such a provider? I'm unaware of any company
that lets potential customers test drive their $SERVICE call center
before purchase. Even if one did, how is a potential customer
supposed to evaluate the competence of said call center when
customer has no clue as to what problems may arise 5 years after
purchase of provider's service, whether said test drive provided
an accurate and appropriate solution, and whether said call center
quality will exist 5 years after purchase of the service.

matthew black
long beach, ca

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