The agreement in using the space specifically has you agree you were not using 
it for commercial purposes.

Don’t be quick to jump to assumptions, we are an ISP but applied for a/24 so 
that we could advertise it out because we have a large number of amateur radio 
repeaters another amateur radio devices on our network.

> On Jul 22, 2019, at 7:18 AM, Joe Carroll <> wrote:
> I’ll add to this in saying that I’m a qualified amateur radio licensed 
> Two issues:
> I’ve been denied access to the space twice.
> Commercial entities are advertising within the space that are not amateur 
> related. 
> The fish smell permeates....  
>> On Sun, Jul 21, 2019 at 07:34 William Herrin <> wrote:
>>> On Sat, Jul 20, 2019 at 9:26 PM Jay R. Ashworth <> wrote:
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> > From: "William Herrin" <>
>>> > Personally I've never heard of ARDC. 
>>> Amateur Radio Digital Communications is the name that's been on 44/8 every 
>>> time I've ever looked at the /8 list, which goes back 2 decades or more.
>>> I never assumed it was an organization at the time.
>> Yeah... It just seems like holding an asset in trust for a population and 
>> selling that asset without consulting that population (or at least 
>> consulting the organizations the population commonly understands to 
>> represent them) is very fishy business.
>> Having read their explanation, I think the folks involved had good reasons 
>> and the best intentions but this stinks like fraud to me. Worse, it looks 
>> like ARIN was complicit in the fraud -- encouraging and then supporting the 
>> folks involved as they established a fiefdom of their own rather than 
>> integrating with the organizations that existed. The "appearance of 
>> impropriety" is then magnified by ARIN deeming the matter a private 
>> transaction between it and the alleged registrants to which the pubic is not 
>> entitled to a detailed accounting.
>> Regards,
>> Bill Herrin
>> -- 
>> William Herrin

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