On 4/21/20 7:46 PM, Scott Weeks wrote:

--- m...@mtcc.com wrote:

From: Michael Thomas <m...@mtcc.com>
To: nanog@nanog.org
Subject: Re: mail admins?
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2020 17:34:36 -0700

On 4/21/20 5:19 PM, Scott Weeks wrote:

I think you just need to let scripts run in your browser for
sad.  http://nanog.org used to be the brilliant example of a fully
featured web site sans javascript, flash, ...

I'm not one to plus-one anything, but this should be plus-infinity.
I whined about it a year or so ago.  Crickets.  I gave up on doing
anything on the web site because I can't get anything to work
unless I make my computer less secure.  Sad trend.  More flash and
trash marketing crap and less network engineering acumen.  Like
configuring routers from a web browser, rather than a CLI...

this ship left port in the 90's. you might as well be an old man yelling
at clouds. oh wait, randy does kind of resemble grandpa simpson :)

So I should just get used to configuring routers with HTTP and
Notepad and forget about that nasty, old, 20th century vi crap? :)


ps.  One guy I know claims vi is the spawn of satan.

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