*Happy Thanksgiving *
*We are Grateful for Community Members Like You! *

*NANOG truly takes a village, and we wouldn't be here without members like
you. *
Thank you for your support in building the Internet of Tomorrow. We wish
you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving.

*VIDEO - In Memory of Betty Burke*
*A Tribute to Former NANOG Executive Director*

*NANOG would not be what it is today without the leadership of Betty Burke.*
We have included a tribute video to honor her service and enormous
contribution. Our Community Memorial
be accessed by anyone with a free account on NANOG's website.

*WATCH NOW * <https://www.nanog.org/stories/in-memory-of-betty-burke/>

*OARC 40 in Co-Location with NANOG 87 *

*The Workshop Will be Held in Atlanta - 16, 17 Feb. 2023*
DNS-OARC is a non-profit membership organization that seeks to improve the
security, stability, and understanding of the Internet's DNS infrastructure.

*OARC 40 will be held after the NANOG 87 conference. REGISTER NOW

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