Hi Sofia,

I am currently an Assistant Researcher in Zhongguancun Lab, Beijing, China. 
Although I am not a network operator, I am very interested in this topic.

Last year, I also did a survey asking network operators about the barriers to 
adopting ROA and ROV. That work has been accepted by NDSS 2024 [1]. I hope this 
paper could be helpful.




>(Apologies for duplicates)


>Hello everyone,


>Following up on my message below, I wanted to let everyone know that we have 
>extended the due date for the survey on barriers to RPKI adoption until Sep 


>If you are a network operator who manages IP space through multiple RIRs and 
>you haven’t already participated in the survey, please take a moment to do so 
>as we would really appreciate having your valuable input. It will only take a 
>few minutes:



>At this stage, we would like to particularly encourage those of you who have 
>not created ROAs yet to understand what barriers or challenges you have 
>experienced, as we don’t have enough representation from this group yet.


>Thanks so much in advance for your input!


>Warm regards,



>I am sending this email at a time that suits me and the time zone I work in. 
>Please feel free to read, and act on or respond, at a time that suits you.

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