It really depends on your application server configuration.
Most people just uses SNMP for this purpose.
Something like net-snmp installed in servers, then monitor the info via
SNMP MIB polling.


Matthew Huff wrote:
> I think all of these comments are useful. but we are looking for NMS for
> server/application monitoring, not snmp/dmi based polling. We will need a
> system that runs custom scripts to monitor our servers (CPU, OS syslogs,
> Windows Event logs, hardware, memory, etc) and our in-house applications
> running on these servers (100+). Native agents for windows 2003, 2008, Linux
> and Solaris (both Sparc and x86) with custom scripting is a minimum
> requirements. There are a lot of good network router/switch solutions, but
> we are looking for some that are more focused on server based management. We
> used to use BMC patrol which was a very good system. We moved away from it
> because it was extremely pricey per-node and BMC absolute rejection of
> Solaris X86 as a supported platform (We went back and forth between Sun and
> BMC regarding that for over a year).
> ----
> Matthew Huffㅤㅈㅔㄽㅤㅈㅔㄽㅤㅈㅔㄽ | One Manhattanville Rd
> OTA Management LLC | Purchase, NY 10577
>  | Phone: 914-460-4039
> aim: matthewbhuff  | Fax:ㅤㅈㅔㄽ 914-460-4139
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Will Clayton []
>> Sent: Wednesday, July 22, 2009 12:58 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: Opensource or Low Cost NMS for Server Hardware /
>> Application Monitoring
>> Eric Gauthier wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>>> As for server / application / random other stuff (like printers and
>>>> ups's and IP camera and the like), Zenoss is great -- its clean,
>>>> simple, fast(ish), easy  and pretty -- the last one happens to be
>>>> important for some folks (esp in the enterprise world...)
>>> We've looked at ZenOSS but couldn't get it to model the network.
>>> >From what we can tell, it couldn't handle the full routing table
>>> on our core routers (there are six).  If someone has successfully
>>> done this, can you contact me off list?
>>> Eric :)
>> I like NMIS. Fast, scalable, flexible and really hackable. It doesn't
>> take much time to get it up and running but selling others on it can be
>> challenging. It works off of flat tab delimited text files making
>> populating the node base pretty easy. There are plans for NMIS5 to use
>> database connectivity for this which will be even more fun. There are
>> external contributions that do everything from RANCID to Flash maps of
>> your network. The home page is here:
>> But has since moved to sourceforge:
>> With the gang being here:
>> While not for everyone and not as popular or pretty as some of the
>> others, it is a network monitoring system built by engineers for
>> engineers. With a combination of SNMP data collection and ping/service
>> tests, bandwidth utilization alerts, alert groups, thresholds etc. can
>> be adjusted on a per-device basis and just a week of utilization can
>> really help you identify points on the network that need to be cleaned
>> up.
>> I guess my favorite part is the ability to write device interface
>> descriptions to trigger actions in the Perl script since that data is
>> collected via SNMP.
>> --
>> Will Clayton

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