Hello everyone

Thought to re-open to this thread and discuss couple of doubts I have in
mind regarding the same.

I tried doing anycasting with 3 nodes, and seems like it didn't worked well
at all. It seems like ISPs prefer their own or their customer route (which
is our transit provider) and there is almost no "short/local route" effect.
I am presently using Charter + Cogent/Gblx  + Tinet for this setup.

I was looking for some advise over this issue:

   1. How to deal with ISPs not prefering local node on their peers network
   and going to far off node on their own/or customer network? Is it just
   normal and there's no fix by any BGP announcement method/conf file
   parameter? Should one prefer taking transit for all locations from same ISP?

   2. I am using Quagga on all instances. Any advise on configuration file
   parameters specifically for anycasting instance? (I would be happy to share
   existing conf. is required). I did tried AS path prepending, but seems like
   it didn't helped much (or may be I fail to get it working). What are
   possible parameters one can have in conf for anycasting case (BGP MED's)?

   3. Is putting singlehommed nodes with no peering and transit from single
   ISP was poor idea? I wonder how other small players do it? Do you take
   multiple upstreams for all anycasting DNS nodes?

Though route pull off is pretty much instance, and I see no problems with
it. Also, I have not got the node in EU up yet (which will be under colo's
network which is under Telia). I guess since distance in EU with US is way
higher then between our domestic US nodes, so probably I will see
local/near routing effect with EU server. But still clueless on how to get
it working in current setup.

Appreciate everyone's comments and help.



Anurag Bhatia
or simply - http://[2001:470:26:78f::5] if you are on IPv6 connected

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