There are software that combine your needs altogether. I'm sure there are 

WANGuard from Andrisoft (
Fastnetmon (

From: NANOG <> On Behalf Of Aaron Gould
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2018 12:53 PM
Subject: automatic rtbh trigger using flow data

Hi, does anyone know how to use flow data to trigger a rtbh (remotely triggered 
blackhole) route using bgp ?  ...I'm thinking we could use quagga or a script 
of some sort to interact with a router to advertise to bgp the /32 host route 
of the victim under attack.

Btw, I already have nfsen running and we receive real-time alters of various 
types of attacks, high volume, high ports, etc... and then we telnet into a 
cisco trigger router and drop a few lines of code into it and then bgp does the 
rest within seconds, the upstream providers learn of this route via communities 
and they rtbh it in their cloud, BUT, I would like my alerts to do this 
automatically... that would be very nice.  Any guidance would be appreciated.


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