Before Gnome 2.22 in spatial-Nautilus if I attempted to open a folder which
was already open on a Workspace other than the one I was on, the open folder
was moved to the current Workspace. Now the open folder stays on the
Workspace it was on and the only indication I get that anything at all has
happened is a throbbing button in the Window List which, if I click on it,
moves me to the Workspace which contains the open window. If a user doesn't
have a Window List, there's no sign that their action ofind thefind thef
double-clicking the folder has done anything.

I'm getting this behaviour in the (up to date) development versions of
Fedora 9 and Ubuntu 8.04.
Is this the intended behaviour? Is there some option that I've missed (I
have looked) which gets the old behaviour back?

I like the old behaviour because
a) I expect to see an open window as soon as I try to open one. Having to
perform the default action and then also click somewhere in the Window List
is slow.
b) I often don't want to utilize the folder on the Workspace in which it is
already open, which is why I'm not already using it there. With the current
behaviour I have to go to the Workspace where the open window is, close the
window, go back to the Workspace in which I want to be and re-open the
folder. A bit faster is going to the Workspace where the window is, and use
the window manager menu to move the window to another workspace, but this is
still slow.

Thanks for any info
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