On Thu, 19 Feb 2009 11:31:24 -0500, Brian Crockford wrote:

Thanks for your comments, Brian.

> I think that it might be better to keep a communal location bar for
> the panes rather than the current method of one per pane.

I am not so sure about that. The main purpose for dual pane view is to
do file operations accross panes (copy/move to other pane, drag'n'drop
etc). So in my oppinion, it is essential to have a visual indicator of
both, the source and the target location.

> Speaking of which, I agree that the best visual cue of the active pane
> would be some sort of themed outline. Typing this from Gmail,
> something similar to its own active text field border would be ideal.

I agree that it should probably be some combination of background color
and border.

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