On Mon, 2009-03-09 at 10:14 +0100, John Keller wrote:
> Alexander Larsson wrote:
> >> Plus, as I wrote in the other thread, Ctrl+Tab is already used in 
> >> Nautilus - and inconsistently, as well (inconsistent within Nautilus, 
> >> and by a strict reading of that same quoted HIG phrase, inconsistent 
> >> with the HIG too).
> > 
> > Well, if by "used in nautilus" you mean "has the same behaviour in
> > nautilus as in any other Gtk+ app".
> What I meant was what I outlined in a previous email. The Ctrl-Tab 
> behavior depends on the combination of browser vs. folder and list vs. 
> icon view:

I replied to this in the other mail. Its the same behaviour as in any
other Gtk+ app with the same widgets.

> * browser: Ctrl-Tab works until it ends up in the button bar, where it 
> just changes between buttons and never returns to file display (file 
> display in icon or list view)

This is not the whole truth. This is the toolbar ctrl-tab behaviour, but
its only if the toolbar is focused. Then ctrl-tab switches to the
widget-internal focus chain. If you normal-tab to another widget then
you get out and can ctrl-tab in that widget.

> * folder view + icon view: focus alternates between little folder button 
> in lower-left corner and file display
> * folder view + list view: focus alternates between little folder button 
> in lower-left corner and list headers, but never returns to file display
> This is what I meant by internal (in)consistency (internal to Nautilus).

I think you have a weird definition of consistency. Tab walks the focus
chain (w/ ctrl in different way). The various things you list above have
different sets of widgets and thus different tab chains. But the tab
behaviour wrt the tab chain is consistent, i.e. it behaves as in any
other app/window with a similar set of widgets/tab chain. What you seem
to want instead is for "tab" to be a per-app specified operation that
does special things depending on the application, independently on the
current set of widgets and the tab chain in the app.

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