While I understand that a prompt on something like "play" is unnecessary, 
"play" doesn't change anything related to data.? For any "read" feature, there 
is absolutely no reason for a prompt.? But in the case of a writing feature, 
especially one where a user may lose their data, a prompt is ABSOLUTELY 
necessary.? Now, that being said, I realize that in the case of nautilus, it 
only moves the file to the trash.? However, for the average user, this could 
cause terrible complications.? As a sysadmin, I've found workers misplacing 
files all the time due to accidental drag/drops and the like.? A drag/drop 
takes 3 distinct actions, click->drag->release, and requires the drag to both 
pick up a file, and put it into a folder.? In the case of clicking the delete 
button, it is far easier to just brush the key by accident.? It just makes 
sense to add a small layer of protection against this.

In the case of most other major operating systems, including those using KDE, 
Mac OS, and Windows (since 95 and possibly before) this prompt?is standard.? 
All users of any other operating systems EXPECT this feature!? Also, CLEARLY 
the other designers found use for this prompt.? The resistance to include such 
a small feature is completely unfounded.? I can support providing an GUI option 
in the settings to?activate/deactivate it, however leaving it out altogether is 
absolutely inappropriate.

There are many things which hold Linux/Unix back from popular acceptance, and 
if one does just a cursory search of forums, they will find complaints about 
this deficiency everywhere.? And in many cases, the forums advise that the user 
must either live with it, or switch to KDE.? If Gnome, and indeed Linux/Unix in 
general are to EVER be accepted by more than just enthusiasts and datacenters, 
these kinds of issues must be addressed.

I hope you can understand my concerns.? Your curt response to my previous 
message was ABSOLUTELY uncalled for.? Isn't one of the fundamental goals?of 
open source software to?provide a strong channel of communication between 
developers and end-users?? This kind of response does not speak well of your 

Please keep me informed of your progress on this issue.


Sean Johnson

-----Original Message-----
From: Andre Klapper <ak...@gmx.net>
To: sjohnso...@aol.com
Cc: nautilus-list@gnome.org
Sent: Sun, 15 Mar 2009 8:18 am
Subject: Re: trash/delete prompt

Am Samstag, den 07.03.2009, 19:10 -0500 schrieb sjohnso...@aol.com:
> I'm in the process of migrating to nautilus, however I've become
> concerned that there is no prompt before sending file to the trash.  I
> realize it prompts before deleting, but without a trash prompt as
> well, this may cause problems for unsuspecting users.

Well, if users move something into trash, what do they expect?

It might sound sarcastic but to me it's like pushing the "Play" button
of my music software and getting a popup
"This will start playing sound from your speakers. This might be loud.
Are you really sure you want to do this? [OK] [Cancel]"

> Is this option available, and if not, could it be added to the queue
> for the next release?

Please not yet another "Are you really really really sure?" dialog. 
Nothing will be permanently deleted when moving something to trash.
No need for a dialog at all.

Feel free to file an enhancement request in bugzilla.gnome.org (if there
isn't one already), but I'm certain that this is a WONTFIX.


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