Hi! I think that is a very needed project! I'm sure a lot of people would
support you on it.
For me my project (gloobus) the most interesting feature is the file
selection tracking as well as custom folder icon :D

Good luck with it!

On Tue, Mar 17, 2009 at 9:53 AM, Trevor Davenport <
trevor.davenp...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am interested in applying for a GSoC project related to nautilus.
> Specifically i was considering a nautilus DBus interface as listed on
> the ideas page (http://live.gnome.org/SummerOfCode2009/Ideas).  From
> the bug report linked, it looks as if the goal would be to at least
> provide a means to:
> - opening new windows
> - file operations (copying/moving/deleting/renaming)
>   * one goal here would be so other apps can benefit from the nautilus
> file operations window
> - file selection
>    * select certain files (let firefox/epiphany open window with file
> selected, not just the folder)
>    * track file selection
> Other possible ideas:
>  - file properties window
>  - nautilus metadata access (currently private only)
>     * add emblems to files (epiphany could mark newly downloaded files
> with new emblem)
>     * set custom icons for folders/files
> I am quite comfortable with C and GObject and even know my way around
> nautilus fairly well (I've contributed a few smallish patches in the
> past) but i have never touched dbus to date.
> One concern i have is in regards to the amount of work vs time.  Do
> you think this project will provide adequate work to occupy the
> project timeframe or is the work about too much to be considered in
> one project?  I also wonder where exactly the line should be drawn
> between what to expose over dbus and what to omit.  I imagine we'd
> only want operations that are considered useful and have a purpose in
> exposing.
> I welcome any questions, comments or suggestions related to this idea
> as I work on a real project proposal.
> Cheers,
> Trevor Davenport
> --
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