On Thu, 2009-07-02 at 18:49 +0800, Jason Heeris wrote:
> Alexander Larsson wrote:
> > This is likely related to the python global interpreter lock or some
> > other python threading specific issue.
> That's really what my question is: why would it be related to the GIL?
> How does Nautilus interact with the Python GIL? What does Nautilus do to
> make threading in python have issues?

Well, nautilus does nothing with python at all. The extension does, but
I don't know exactly how that works.

> > I think you would get a better
> > response to your question on a more python oriented mailing list.
> The trouble is, there is no specific python-nautilus list. There's not
> much in the way of documentation for the interactions between the two
> (especially re. threading) and and there's not really anything I can
> deduce from looking at the python side of things. It seems like the
> answer involves the mechanics of Nautilus, and this is the list for
> people who know about that.
> If you can suggest somewhere else to try, I'll gladly ask there, but I'm
> out of avenues as far as I can tell.

Try talking to the pygtk people.

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