On Thu, 2009-10-29 at 21:02 -0700, Виталий Верпаховский wrote:
> Hi
> Emit the APPEARANCE_CHANGED signal when we're setting the color,
> as we're ignoring the pending changes after the backgorund ornament is
> realized 
> new tabs, and thus we're not getting color updates

This patch is not right (and in fact, the similar patch commited in bug
578136 was wrong too). The real problem is a bit deeper, but is fixed


 Alexander Larsson                                            Red Hat, Inc 
       al...@redhat.com            alexander.lars...@gmail.com 
He's an otherworldly small-town firefighter who hangs with the wrong crowd. 
She's a psychotic African-American mermaid on the trail of a serial killer. 
They fight crime! 

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