On Sat, 2009-12-05 at 13:53 +0000, Michele Tameni wrote:
> Hi guys,
> I've found two bug, G#332299 [1] and G#325146 [2], on GNOME Bugzilla.
> I think that save search could be very useful for many user,
> especially with the ongoing tracker 0.7 integration.
> Atm save the search are very difficult [i don't know that i can
> already do it before reading the two bugs above], so i've looked a bit
> into the code for understand what i can do.

Those two bugs seems to be about different things. One is that the
feature of saved searches (or search folders or what you want to call
it) is hard to find, the other thing seems to be about saving the result
of a particular search operation.

> Possible places where a "Save search" are search bar (next to the text
> entry), or in the query builder.
> Add the button is not so difficult, but i see that the relevant code
> that do the save are located in file-manager/fm-directory-view.c .
> I really don't know anything about how-to-do-thing in nautilus and how
> things are organized, and i haven't so much time in this period for
> looking deep into the code, so someone point me in the right direction
> for obtain the wanted result?

Are search folders really created so often that having a button in the
UI (taking up space) is really a good idea? It means less space for
other things and more visual clutter/complexity.

I agree that saved searches are kinda hard to find, but i think
improving the docs and maybe pimping the feature in other ways is a
better solution than making it an always visible icon in everyones file
manager all the time.

 Alexander Larsson                                            Red Hat, Inc 
       al...@redhat.com            alexander.lars...@gmail.com 
He's a lonely pirate ex-con gone bad. She's a man-hating impetuous bounty 
hunter with a birthmark shaped like Liberty's torch. They fight crime! 

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