Hello everybody,

recently I've been working on a set of scripts for pre-generating thumbnails of 
video and picture files in a set of given directories. The idea is to be able 
to run thumbnail-generation in the background, per cron, per cmdline, not-in-X, 
not-using-nautilus, etc.

I've been reading a lot of documentation regarding this topic and I think I 
have come quite far in understanding all the details and requirements.

However I still need a little help (obviously...), but first, let me share my 
work with you...

Here is my three scripts:




batch_thumbnailer is the main scripts that calls vids+pics_thumbnailer, if in 

The syntax is: batch_thumbnailer [<dir> ...]

What it does is basically:

1. search the given directories (non-recursive) for files
2. determine the files mimetype and filter out all of type video/*, image/*
3. create a batch list for video files and process it with vids_thumbnailer
4. create a batch list for picture files and process it with pics_thumbnailer

The steps 3 and 4 are similar and can be broken down in sub-steps:
a. for each file, determine absolute path (file -> /path/to/file)
b. for each file, determine URI (/path/to/file -> file:///path/to/file)
c. for each URI, determine MD5 checksum (echo -n file:///path/to/file | md5sum 
| cut -c -32)
d. for each file, determine modification time (file.mtime = $(stat -c "%Y" 
e. for each file, store a thumbnail under $HOME/.thumbnails/normal/$MD5.png 
with required metadata Thumb::URI := $URI and Thumb::MTime := file.mtime
(f.) if thumbnail generation has failed, move thumbnail to 

The one place to start reading about thumbnails is probably:

[1] http://jens.triq.net/thumbnail-spec/

So that's that.

Now I've created a whole batch of thumbnails with my scripts, however my 
problem is that nautilus is still recreating every single media file when I 
change to it's directory. I notice this because obviously it takes some time to 
display the thumbnails and also the mtime of the thumbnail is updated when 

My idea in the first place was to have the thumbnails created and then nautilus 
is just displaying them superfast, since they already exist. However, this is 
not the case.

I spent some time figuring out the differences between my thumbnails and 
nautilus thumbnails, but I cant really tell the differences nor explain the 
"overwriting/recreating" behavior of nautilus. What I have tried so far is, I 
noticed another optional tag in the pings "Software: GNOME::ThumbnailFactory" 
and recreated that in my scripts, ... still with no change. Nautilus seems to 
allways overwrite my thumbnails.

That makes me wanna stop any further work on my scripts, because I must first 
know what the real problem is or else I waste my time.

FYI, these are my thumbnailers in nautilus (gconf-editor -> 
- im...@x-pict := /usr/bin/gm convert -size %s -resize %s +profile "*" %i[0] %o
- video@<any> := /usr/bin/ffmpegthumbnailer -s %s -c png -f -t 50%% -i %i -o %o

I would like to know in what way GNOME's thumbnail creation standard differs 
from the one described in [1] or whether nautilus/gnome stores 
extra-information elsewhere (outside $HOME/.thumbnails). My goal is the 
pre-create thumbnails in my scripts, that nautilus can actually use and 
instantly display, without re-creation/overwrites.

Thank you for all support, answers and feedback in advance,
it's all welcome.


PS: I've been forwarded to nautilus-list@gnome.org from gnome-l...@gnome.org:

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