Some of them are extensions (most of the functionalities you listed
are), you can remove them with a package manager. For the rest, you
can edit the file nautilus-directory-view-ui.xml in the folder
/usr/(local/)share/nautilus/ui/. Once you edited this file, type
nautilus -q in a terminal to see the changes.

On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 8:08 AM, egan varley <> wrote:
> Hi,
> It's easy to find how to add more choices for the Nautilus contextual menu
> (with nautilus-actions or nautilus-scripts) but my problem is different: I
> want to _remove_ some choices !
> I use Debian Squeeze (Nautilus 2.30.1) and when I right-clic on a file there
> is a lot of clutter in the contextual menu. I want to remove some of these
> choices (send the file to someone, sign this file, encrypt this file, etc).
> Do you know how I can do that ?
> Thanks in advance.
> --
> nautilus-list mailing list

Thibaut LUTZ
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