
I am a happy "Gnome+ArchLinux" user since last 5 years. I use nautilus as my
file-manager. Its lightweight and nice but lacks few features.
I was going through the ideas page (
http://live.gnome.org/SummerOfCode2011/Ideas) of Gnome and I am interested
in implementing the "filter feature for nautilus".

Nautilus already has "search feature" but it lacks in many ways.

1. Suppose, I am in a folder which contains thousands of music files and I
am looking for a file name that contains "Slipknot" in its name, there is no
way of doing that. Searching can be done but its slow.
2. The filter bar should filter the files in "real-time".
3. As said in the ideas page, we can filter files according to  name,
date/age, size, mime-type.
4. Any other suggestions from the Gnome community are also welcomed.

My experience:-
After using linux for a few years, I am now well acquainted with the
technologies used in linux. I am proficient in C ,C++, java & python. I have
experience in GUI programming with Qt & C++. I have already started looking
at the source code of nautilus & learning gtk for this and its in progress.

I would be glad if somebody could mentor me for this project.

Abhijeet Rastogi (shadyabhi)
nautilus-list mailing list

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