Hello everyone,

I am trying to re-enable the "up a level" button on Nautilus. Before you all tell me to use breadcrumbs, I would like to say that I don't like it and prefer using the "always-use-location-entry" option instead. While I understand that you would want to have chosen a default for most users (remove the "up" button and force breadcrumbs) I believe that if a user chooses to use the "always-use-location-entry" over breadcrumbs then the "up" button should either also be enabled or at least have a separate option allowing to enable it.

Also, the "back" button is not the same concept as the "up" button. "Back" brings you back to the previous place you were at before going into a directory, if you do the following:


then pressing "back" will work like the "up" button, if you "jump" from one folder to the other :


then "back" will not function like "up", it will bring you back to /tmp, "up" would have brought you to /tmp/test. If you do not use breadcrumbs and copy/paste a path in Nautilus, when you press back it bring you to wherever you were before you pasted the path (which is what the back concept is supposed to do), if you just want to go up a level there is no way of doing that with the mouse, you have to modify the path manually in the location entry, which is not very comfortable.

I am asking fo a way to do this with the mouse, without having to switch from the mouse to the keyboard, so please to not give me keyboard shortcuts.

So, can someone please tell me how to re-enable the "up" button or suggest a good Nautilus alternative that has it?

Thank you,
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